Sunday, October 30, 2005


Attended OOPSLA 2005 from October 16-20 in San Diego. Since coming back my broadband network access has been down. Finally my connection is back. OOPSLA is always a very exciting and rejuvenating experience for me. I always come back all charged up. This year was no different. And being OOPSLA's 20th year, it added more to the gathering and some of the sessions and talks.

For me the BoF session with Grady Booch on Wednesday (October 19) was the best moment. Grady's next project is a very ambitious effort - a handbook of software architecture. Check his web site. If you register you can see the work in progress and realize the grandness of his effort.

I also enjoyed talk by David P. Reed on TeaTime - A Scalable Real-Time Multi-User Architecture.

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