Saturday, July 16, 2005

Commons Logging - To Use or Not To Use

Now that we have looked at Java ClassLoading in detail, its time to take a look at Apache Jakarta Commons Logging and answer the question: whether to use or not to use Commons Logging in J2EE environment? Commons Logging provides a nice abstract logging API, insulating application code from being tied to a specific logging implementation. Use of Commons Logging provides portability across logging implementations such as log4j or jdk logging. On the face of it this looks like a neat idea. I can change the logging implementation without changing a line of code. However that was not the intent of Commons Logging (See Rod Waldoff’s blog) and there are well known problems using Commons Logging in J2EE environment due to ClassLoader problems and auto-discovery of a logging implementation and logging configuration. Ceku Gulcu, creator of log4j, has a detailed technical discussion on classloader problem. Ceku Gulcu takes a detailed look at problems using Commons Logging in this article “Think again before adopting the commons-logging API”. From this article:

“The commons-logging API supporting multiple logging frameworks has its own "discovery process" which is based on the resources available to a particular classloader. In addition, the commons-logging API will create its own logger wrapper for each and every class loader in use within your application. The class loader based automatic "discovery process" is the principal weakness of the commons-logging API because it results in a substantial jump in complexity.”

A downside of using Commons Logging is that it takes away some of the advance features of an underlying logging implementation (being an abstraction across various logging implementation, it can only support features common across logging frameworks) such as Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC) or Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) capability of log4j. Another issue with it is that it makes logging component a tad complex. And it can introduce problems which can be difficult to debug. One can waste hours debugging classloader issues or why your application is not reading your logging configuration. All this complexity is unwarranted. Even creator of Commons Logging Rod Waldhoff has acknowledged “Commons Logging was my fault”.

Inspite of these problems Commons Logging has its utility. So when and where should it be used? Again from Rod Waldhoff’s blog:

“In fact, there are very limited circumstances in which Commons Logging is useful. If you're building a stand-alone application, don't use commons-logging. If you're building an application server, don't use commons-logging. If you're building a moderately large framework, don't use commons-logging. If however, like the Jakarta Commons project, you're building a tiny little component that you intend for other developers to embed in their applications and frameworks, and you believe that logging information might be useful to those clients, and you can't be sure what logging framework they're going to want to use, then commons-logging might be useful to you.”

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