Monday, October 30, 2006

Real time systems and Java

Writing real-time system is not easy in Java because of following:
These issues lead to non-deterministic execution of code which is unacceptable in real-time systems where deterministic time guaranttees are required i.e. upper bound guaranttees on code execution (less than 10 ms on hard real-time system). Realtime systems require a special Java - something like one specified by the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ). The RTSJ requires a RT version of GC which distributes garbage collection over time for all objects, version of collections package that provides deterministic time execution to method calls and so forth. Some of the thumb rules for writing realtime application in Java: Java since version 1.2 provides reference-object classes via , java.lang.ref, a limited interaction with of an application with the GC. A normal reference known as strong reference. The java.lang.ref provides three other types of references: soft, weak and phantom references. These references provide more flexibility to an application with regard to object references implementing object pooling strategies.

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